Have you ever read a book and when you closed it, you are still smiling? Even days later? Yep, this is that book. It has everything I’m want in a contemporary romance. The leads are relatable, likeable and you get into their heads quickly. Some would call this a friends to lover story but its much more than that. It’s about family and what family means to each of them in their individual lives and to each other. Also, I appreciated that the sex scenes between Griffin and Indy are not graphic in nature but they do get your motor running. ;)
Indy is one strong woman. Fiercely independent, smart, funny but vulnerable all at the same time. She couldn’t wait to get out of her small town and move to Chicago and eventually get her sister Quinn out, too. Their family dynamic is strong and when secrets are finally revealed by their father later in the book…I about fell out of my chair. From Indy’s indecision about her life, Griffin, I did find that her self-depreciating thoughts about herself were a bit much. She always felt like a failure and was always itching to run away from her problems and start over. I thought that she was a success in everything that she did but it took some time before she felt that too. Of course, Griffin helped in that area, too.
Indy meets Griffin in the first book, Quinn and Ryan’s story but you do not have to read their story first. This book stands alone. There are scenes revolving around Quinn’s chocolate cake and thank goodness, the recipe is included in the book. :) Those scenes were hilarious and sensual. Read the book and you’ll understand.
Griffin is the ultimate hero. Yes, he has a dad that is beyond anyone that you would want for a dad but he serves a purpose in the book, so be patient. Also, Griffin’s relationship with Ryan and his family is unbreakable. There are a lot of layers to Griffin and thanks to Indy, he is ready to shed them. Unfortunately, Indy doesn’t think she is worthy. Silly girl! Why I like the Foundation aspect of the book, I wish it had been a bit stronger for me. Griffin wasn’t the uber rich, douche in the book. He was nice, sexy, thoughtful and only wanted Indy in his life.
Griffin and Indy has secrets to tell and when they tell them to each other, it only makes them stronger has a couple. I’m not going to tell you the BIGGEST one and the one that serves as the major stumbling block in the relationship. You must read the book to find out. Sorry no spoilers on Harlie’s Books.
The final climax in the book is great. I did see it coming but the way the author wrapped it up…whew! I was still left with a few open-ended questions in the book but I feel like Kate or Lily’s book is next. Lily and Liam, perhaps? Just a suggestion, don’t stone me.
I recommend this book to anyone that is looking for a strong contemporary romance with characters that you can relate to, fall in love with and genuinely care what happens to them. I cheered for Griffin and Indy, cried with them and at times wanted to slap them upside their heads. But isn’t that what a good book will do to you?
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