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A Harlequin devotee, I read just about anything.

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Cape Cursed
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Seducing the Princess
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Karen S. Bell
Concealed Desire
Eden Summers
Only Scandal Will Do
Jenna Jaxon
Texas Two Step
Cynthia D'Alba
Lily Harlem

The Seduction of Esther

The Seduction of Esther - Jennifer Wilck *disclaimer from Harlie…I grew up in Dallas, TX. In high school, half of the girls on our drill team were Jewish. My brother’s best friend was Jewish. Shoot he went to temple and church. And my cousin (male) married a very nice Jewish girl from Chicago. I had completely forgotten about the Purim celebration. Thank you Ms. Wilck for the reminder.*

So now that you’ve read Harlie’s disclaimer, let’s get on with the review. Between the scenes at the temple, hanging out a Kosher deli, the older ladies trying to play matchmaker (which is real in the Jewish culture) and the Shabbat dinner at Samara’s house, I felt like I was hanging out the Prager’s. Yes, they are my Jewish “family” in Dallas and the book made me miss them.

Samara was the typical klutz but also very likeable and realistic as a heroine. Working at her temple full time and getting flustered every time she came across a good looking man, she was real. Believe me, I’m a old married woman and I still get flustered when I’m around a good looking man. ;) Also, liked the fact that realized early on that Nathaniel made her NOT be so klutzy. He had a calming influence on her.

Nathaniel had a lot to deal with. A public scandal that ended his marriage, a 7 yr old daughter to raise and then the ex decides she wants to play mommy again. His attraction to Samara was not good at all. Unfortunately for him, the gods had other plans for him when it came to Samara.

These two were sweet together. They completed each other in ways that they didn’t even know they needed. Nathaniel’s daughter was also a breath of fresh air. Not bratty, too cutesy but necessary with Nathaniel’s growth in the book and his relationship with Samara.

If there was a villain in the story, Ms. Wilck gave Josh the fortitude in the end to realize what he done not only to Samara and Nathaniel but also to himself. I knew he was swarmy in the beginning but the book’s end, I really wanted him to find love, too.

Again, the settings and locales were great. I’ve been to NYC and can picture everything that Ms. Wilck described in the book. Of course, now I need to go the Jewish deli in Dallas next month. :) Ms. Wilck’s secondary characters were also good and enhanced the story along the way. Never intrusive and demanding of their own time. Okay maybe Josh and Miriam in the end… hint, hint.

Don’t pass up a great story about two people that didn’t know they needed each other to learn to truly love someone. You also might crave a good Jewish deli in the process. :)
- See more at: http://www.harliesbooks.com/posts/the-seduction-of-esther-by-jennifer-wilck-reviewexcerptgiveaway/#comments