*sigh* What can I say about Rose and Andy that won’t sound gushy, cutesy, eye rolling to you? I mean really? Their interview is great. Those two were meant to be together…forever. Again, sigh…I had a childhood love and it didn’t work out for us. I still miss him and think about him as I get older. Anywoos…
Andy and Rose met as children and are forever joined at the hip. Andy is one year older than Rose, so when he leaves to go off to college, Rose is at a loss. She’s not a girlie girl; prefers to fish, conservation and hanging out with Andy. Too bad that Andy has an idiot cheerleader of a girlfriend that hates Rose. Oh yes, the book starts out with them as teenagers/young adults. Don’t be put off by this dear readers. Ms. Wolfe handles their budding relationship with a deft hand and let’s the characters do their thing. Its cute but at the same time, you can see and feel the love that these two have for one another and always will. *sigh*
One thing leads to another and Andy and Rose end up hurting the other in a way that ends any relationship. Secrets. Read the interview again. Andy tells you why they broke up and why I slapped him upside his head. I still love him though. He is a man after all. Dense but lovable. Trying to do the noble thing for Rose. Always thinking of Rose and not himself.
I really tried my hardest not to crawl through the Kindle and not slap both of them at times. Stubborn people that knew they should be together. Only problem was a secret that Rose’s mom had kept from her as a child would either kill them or forever keep them together.
The suspense element and the evil that surrounds it was perfect. Not too heavy but interesting enough that I kept wondering when it was going to happen. You know, the fatal confrontation. Wow! I was not disappointed and to watch both Andy’s and Rose’s families come together is ultimately what this book is about. The true meaning of family and everything it encompasses. *side note* I can’t wait for Duncan’s book. I mean, what does he NOT do?
The conservation element was great. What’s not to love about our national bird but to actually read about the bald eagle and the people that are doing everything they can to save it from the brink was fascinating. Plus, cranics! You will know what I mean when you read the book. :)
I can not highly recommend Andy and Rose’s story. Its a beautiful story about childhood sweethearts that is sweet, enduring and more importantly about finding the strength within yourself to stand up to your beliefs that makes you…you!
- See more at: http://www.harliesbooks.com/posts/flying-in-shadows-by-rt-wolfe-book-2-the-black-creek-series-excerptcharacter-interviewreview/#sthash.72pYhbDO.dpuf